Tuesday, January 26, 2010

How about different education for men and women?

From the title of the post, I definitely sound like a sexist. May be I am. Here though, I am not arguing in favor of any sex.

This article suggests women's brains are more complex and apparently do a lot of thinking. If it were true, by giving both men and women the same education (training to think and act on a variety of issues), aren't we under-utilizing women's brains. It could very well be the reason why women have all the time in the world to think about not-so-important issues.

How about having different education systems for men and women (not disturbing their interaction), and let women teach women how to harness their lateral thinking abilities in a meaningful way.


I said...

That's a thought!

Working women tend to enjoy their complicated thought processes within themselves and then ignore a lot of it. Only a part of it is used for work and life's constructive activities. Women's thoughts and analyses are sometimes like "misguided missiles". They are powerful and directed, but, not entirely in the right direction always.

Maybe women in training need to get an hour amidst themselves discussing how to direct all their complex thinking abilities into constructive ideas. The reason it doesn't exist in today's education may be solely because women haven't yet figured out how to use a lot of the aspects of complicated thinking constructively for societal benefit. Also, part of thought is based on "gut feelings", "I just know it"s, "ESP tells me" ; etc which are abstract; but "so true" to the woman in question. I don't really know whether's women's "gut feelings" match as a group or not!! That would be a great research topic if someone is crazy enough to be up for it.

So far, education is not made to enhance any individual capabilities-man/ woman. It has been designed to box the entire population into average or above average and train the young to be obedient slaves to work for the gross benefit of the human race, leaving no time for recognizing individual talents & extra capabilities.

Education might come to incorporate an hour of physical training and some mindless bird-watching for boys while the girls chop and slice every aspect of their given environment into complicated analyses. After all it's instinctive behavior patterns. With women having achieved "equality" in the "man's world" today after out-going women were labelled wrong and were driven into the seclusion of their homes by brute force(being stoned & burned at the stake by men) during the Roman empire (A.D); maybe the world will gradually progress back enough to acknowledge and benefit from women and their abilities which are different from that of men.


lavixu said...

This would suck a lot!the main flaw in the post is this --> the perception that education needs to be taught. It's free. Great men wrote intesresting book, geeky men invented computer languages and stupid diplomatic men create politics. All this is available for free from TV/net and through ebook/hard copies. Can we survive without a teacher? A few with exceptional intelligence can grope their way but a human with average mind needs a teacher to give him/her the basics.These basics irrespective of sex can be give to and imparted by anyone.No we girls don't need Einstein because "we " are supposed to think complexly.
ps: on a different not, A world school without guys, yawn yawn! It's like a house without a decoration piece hanging on the wall !